Need some help?

You’re in the right place. Scroll through this page for some of our frequently asked questions!

  1. How much is the subscription?

    Depending on the subscription you choose, you will either be charged $4.49 per month or $44.99 on an annual basis. These prices are based on US Dollars and if you are in another country, the pricing my vary based on the App Store Requirements + Taxes in your respective country.

  2. How can I cancel my subscription?

    You can cancel at anytime by going into the settings of your device’s App Store. You must cancel at least 24 hours before your subscription renews if you want to avoid being charged for the following payment period. .

  3. Can I request a feature or new piece of content for the app?

    Of course! We love hearing what you’d love to see in the app. Whether it’s a new category of affirmations or a feature you would enjoy, let us know by sending us an email and we will do our best to make it happen.

Still need help?

Reach out to our support team and we will get back to you in 1-2 business days.